The Digital Hammurabi Podcast
Digital Hammurabi is the creative outlet for two Assyriologists, Megan Lewis and Joshua Bowen. Driven by a passion for the ancient Near East and the belief that history is both important and relevant to modern life, Megan and Josh aim to break out of the ivory tower of academia and bring ancient Mesopotamia to the world! This podcast brings academic scholarship and interviews with researchers to your brain (via your ears) in an easily-understood format, so you can enjoy fascinating content wherever you are!
The Digital Hammurabi Podcast
Everybody Dies! Death and Burial Practices in the Ancient Near East with Dr. Pinar Durgun
Digital Hammurabi
Season 1
Episode 3
Death is the one common thread binding humanity together, but how we treat the dead and think about the afterlife varies by culture. Dr. Pinar Durgun is an archaeologist and art historian primarily interested in Anatolian burial practices, and in this episode of the Digital Hammurabi Podcast, she talks to us about jar burials, the afterlife, and ghosts in the ancient world.
Originally recorded October 12th 2019.
Episode links:
The Order of the Good Death: http://www.orderofthegooddeath.com/
Project Visiting Scholar: https://pinardurgunpd.wixsite.com/visitingscholar
Ask a Mortician: https://www.youtube.com/user/OrderoftheGoodDeath